The Office of the General Counsel advises and represents the University of Iowa, including the president and vice presidents, University of Iowa Health Care, and all of the schools and colleges on campus. We do not represent faculty, staff or students in private legal matters.

We are in the service business. We help the University fulfill its educational, research, and service missions in accord with the myriad legal and policy requirements applicable to public research universities. We are subject matter experts and problem solvers committed to helping our clients achieve their goals in a creative, practical, and timely manner.

The mission of our office is to provide or coordinate effective legal services on issues facing all sectors of the University of Iowa, striving always to maintain the highest level of professionalism and integrity. We assist the University, including its colleges and departments, in developing policies, practices, and procedures that reduce the risk of legal problems. We provide legal counsel, representation, interpretation, and analysis on a broad array of issues.


Notice: The information on this site and its related links is for general informational purposes for University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students, and does not represent legal advice from our office. For specific legal issues or concerns, please contact our office.